White-footed deer mouse: 3.5 to 3.9” long, not including the tail which doubles the length; adult weight about an ounce; lifespan is 1-2 years. Brownish body with white stomach, prominent black eyes. Omnivorous: seeds, nuts, grains, insects. Avoids humans, resides in ground-floor walls, building nests & storing food. Can be carrier of Hantavirus (a respiratory condition) and be host to the Lyme tick. Wikipedia
Meadow Jumping Mouse: 2.8 to 2.9” and with the tail 7.1 to 9.4”; weight .41 to .87 ounces and prior to hibernation 1.2 ounces or larger is possible. Enlarged hind feet, similar to a kangaroo-rat look, which relates to its name. Coloration can vary but always a dark dorsal strip. A small head, prominent ears & whiskers. Short, pointy nose with relatively big eyes. Wikipedia
House mouse: Small, 3.0 to 3.9 inches in length, gray-brown with an almost naked tail as long, or longer than the body. Pointed muzzle, large, rounded ears, shiny black eyes. Wild Neighbors